
Thursday, October 19, 6:30pm
The Urban Center, 457 Madison Avenue, NYC
Overture by:

Mark Shepard
Omar Khan
Trebor Scholz

Friday, October 20, 10:00am-5:00pm
The Urban Center, 457 Madison Avenue, NYC

Presentations and panel discussions by:

Jonah Brucker-Cohen: Deconstructing Networked Infrastructures and Experience.

Richard Coyne: Aggravating the Everyday.

Karmen Franinovic: Transforming Behaviours Through Interactive Urban Art.

Michael Fox: Innovation is Expensive.

Anne Galloway: Techno-Social Devices of Everyday Life: After Modern Primitivism and Dystopian Urbanism.

Charlie Gere:
The Liturgy of Things.

Usman Haque: Technology and Users in Public Space: What's Wrong With This Picture?

Peter Hasdell: Second Nature and the Digital Wild: Emergent Behaviours and Augmented Environments.

Natalie Jeremijenko: Structures of Participation.

Sheila Kennedy: Small, Smart and Stealthy.

Eric Paulos: Designing for Wonderment.

Kazys Varnelis: Almost Nothing. Two Ways to Program Things.

Saturday, October 21, 6:30pm
Eyebeam, 540 West 21st Street, NYC

The City Encounters workshop will engage the invited participants in a day-long brainstorming session that is closed to the public. We will begin by sharing ideas through an “ideas potlatch,” a gift giving between participants. These gifts will become the basis for an extended exercise in imagining how specific situations, different users and situated technologies engage one another in particular locations in New York City. The workshop’s results will be performed to a public audience at the end of the day.

Epilogue: drink, snack, relax